Monthly Archives: April 2022

Light at the End of the Tunnel?

It’s been a while since we’ve updated on here, and it’s been on my mind to do just that. With Asher’s adoption, everything moved so quickly that we always had something new to report. We’re now over a year into our second adoption, and at this time in our first, we had already picked Asher up. As it is, we still haven’t even been matched – we don’t know who we will take home!

This adoption has been a lot of waiting and uncertainty, which is something we weren’t quite used to with the first one. The pandemic has caused all of the normal timelines to be in flux, and no one really knows just how long this process will take. Reading blogs of other families who adopted from Lesotho, we see that some families waited 8 years before they were matched, which is a scary thought. We’ve seen the social media accounts of some of these families, and they’re always posting and thinking about their adoption. For us, as weird as it sounds (and maybe it’s a defense mechanism), but it’s really been slightly out of sight, out of mind. I really can’t believe it’s been a year so far – it’s almost like it’s this secondary thing in our lives that just might happen someday.

However, we do have a few updates to share that raise the anticipation and excitement. The first is that since we moved to Thailand, we need to do a new home study. This means more background checks, bringing in a social worker from India to visit our family, paying more fees, and more paperwork. That doesn’t make the process faster for us (or delay it), but it does put everything back in the forefront of our minds.

The second update is that we found out we are one of only four families who have been registered with the Lesotho government for matching. The pool for matching families is quite small, which means we could be matched at the next matching meeting! We have no idea when the next matching meeting will be – normally, they do 3-4 in a year, but have done much less during the pandemic. We’ve begun changing our prayers from, “God, in your timing, help us to be patient” to “God, we’re ready – please match us soon.” Needless to say, the adoption has taken a much greater part of our minds lately, and we’re starting to get excited again.